Showing posts with label cheap jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheap jewelry. Show all posts


I have discovered amber teething necklaces

I am a father of two boys. I have been with them all the time since they were babies and hopefully will be with their babies when my boys will have their own families. I have experienced the hopeless situation when first teeth are growing, tearing the gum and baby is crying two days in a row. I could not give Ibuprofen or any other pain killer to my 5 months old son. The only thing I could do was carry them all night. That was a nightmare to me and to my baby. My wife was exhausted and was taking pain killers as she could not sleep and rest neither in a day time nor at night. The teeth growth is painful not only for short man, but also for us – parents.

Now my boys are at the age to lose their first teeth so the new ones will grow. I teach them to suffer teeth pain as real man does not cry. That sounds ridiculous, but that’s true.

Only now I found some information about amber teething necklaces. Amazingly I live in a country where we can collect pieces of amber ourselves. We did that 2 last summers at the seashore of the Baltic Sea. Now those amber pieces lay down in the bottom of our aquarium with our fish. Amber is natural for us, just like other stones. I did not imagine that amber necklaces are used for pain relief and immune system support. Los Angeles, London, Miami, and Sydney value those little honey color stones on the thin rope more than I do.

I also did not imagine that our jewelry masters work hard to make those small amber teething necklaces and sell them online for just 20 dollars. Sometimes information comes all the way round till it reaches one’s mind. That is amazing, that I have found out lots of information about my country production from US websites and blogs. It’s like going from New York to New Jersey through Paris. Anyway, now I am aware of amber teething necklace effects, so I will be able to use them in future. They are so cheap in my country, much cheaper than simple rattling baby toy which are forgotten and thrown away after half a year of using it.
I am dad from Lithuania, one of the Baltic states who rediscovered Baltic amber – the precious of our country and I am proud of it.

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